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Posts from the ‘TRAVEL’ Category


If there was ever a place on earth that inspires me as a designer….this is it. North Island, Seychelles.

I have seen it from afar. Sat on a beautiful porch of our friends home in the Seychelles….stared off to the distance and admired the island. Oh, if I only had three wishes. :-)

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What on earth is a Canadian designer doing in Paris, and why is she not pointing out all the obvious incredible facts about French life ?!! I would agree, wholeheartedly with that statement. I will get to all the good stuff, I am a Canadian after all. We like to point out of the positive. Which, I might add, is the polar opposite to a Frenchie. They like to point of the negative. They are the Kings and Queens of the negative world.

You know a true french person, when they describe something which is absolutely gorgeous as ” well, it isn’t bad “. If they say something is GREAT, they are NOT FRENCH. Ask to see their passport for proof of identity. They are an imposter.

As a designer, I am influenced every single day. Inspired, more like it. Travel, to me,  is as important as breakfast. Without it, I would feel dead in the mud. Well, at least a bored dead in the mud.


The Eiffel Tower.

Image via Wikipedia

Or should I say the Parisienne way ? As a designer, this city is EYE CANDY. I feel like my head is going to weeble wobble pop off, I am so excited to walk this city. Walk you must, by the way, if you want to live. Leave the driving to a Parisienne. They are aggressive. Make your moves fast, and furious, if you dare to hop in a car.

I keep asking myself how often do they paint the Eiffel tower ?! Or do they paint it? I need to Google that, but I have been too busy eating macaron’s to really take the time to figure out the paint questions in my mind. If it were up to me, I would definitely change it up a bit. Give it some funk. Like PINK. Why not live a little !?

PARIS ~ The Canadian Way ~

I have spent some serious time in this city. Serious time. Which makes me wonder, how someone as “un-serious” as me can survive and still love the city of Paris. It is true, it is the city of Romance, and one of the most loved cities in the world. I get that. Live here, and you will understand what I am about to say. *screaming from a roof top*, why are Parisians so SERIOUS ?!!!!

I have learned the hard way, and the really hard way, ( insert laugh, because that is the only way to survive )…how to make the best of FRENCH CULTURE.


Yes, you guessed it, this is how you can seriously survive French Culture….